Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sellin' Dreams

According to urbandictionary.com sellin' dreams is;
1.The act of promising with no intent to act on it.
2.To intentionally deceive.

I keep wondering why he keeps calling, keeps textin' and just keep pressin' me...and then I realized its because im sellin' him a dream. Everytime he calls instead of keeping it 103, im always like "we are gonna hang out, you know that your my friend..." but in actuality I am lying to him and myself. Not only am i selling him a dream, I am selling myself a dream. I am afraid to say "boy, stop calling my phone...there is no chance" because i know that he is consistent and persistent. He calls me because he knows that I will say "not today, im busy." I think, that he, just like me is contempt with the thought that maybe im serious or maybe im just playing...but what's gonna happen when he meets someone who keeps it 103. Is he gonna stop calling me and am I going to become jealous...I feel like i'd be jealous...but who knows...Just like a majority of girls, I am looking for a 'relationship kinda sort of' until one shows up in my face. When its in my face, im like there is CLEARLY something wrong with him, but maybe there is clearly something wrong with me.

So lets set the scene...
Boy A- He likes me. No, like seriously- its been 2 years since he declared that we've been talking and we've been on few dates like less than a hand full; but he calls me like he met me yesterday.
Boy B- I like him. and thats pretty much it...

No matter what Boy A does, im always gonna put him on the back burner. Its because when I get serious, hopefully he will be right there...WAITING...Boy B is the one who calls but we can go days without talking (because im not a presser, and if you don't call me...please believe I won't be doing all the calling) and we are similar in that matter...He understands that im busy, but I understand that he is convenient for me. I am not looking for anything more than a 'cuddle buddy' even though I hate to cuddle. if that makes any sense. but even though I entered into this 'thing' with boy b I still ended up liking him. So here comes Boy C. If you know me you know that I do not like to like people; because I have this fear that its gonna go down hill from there. When ever I fall in like, I always have to catch my self. Maybe im a manizer....because i love men...

*wait maybe boy a can be my boy c..probably not though....

Everyone likes the chase, we all want to pursue someone who is not all on you...but we all want to be happy in a relationship.