Cabin Fever is REAL. I've never...I mean never felt so trapped in my life. I feel like #SnowtoriousBig was sent to torture me and every other student at Howard University. The original Snowmaggedon was cool Friday, February 5th 2011 is the day that this snow called life began...Today is February 10th and the snow is still coming strong... Can you say torture...The first two days were cute..REAL CUTE...but now this shit is played out...There aren't but so many times I can be drunk and play in the snow...with NOTHING else to do...We have been snowed in for so long now, I AM sure that some couple has broke up, another 2 people have become a couple, and others are somewhere pro-creating...This snow has tested me...ME. Especially...I was supposed to be in Dallas right now...but my flight has been cancelled TWICE...and Im set to leave tomorrow. Please believe that im out of here tomorrow..even if i have to walk.....
Cabin Fever is a claustrophobic reaction that takes place when a person or group is isolated and/or shut in, in a small space, with nothing to do, for an extended period (as in a simple country vacation cottage during a long rain or snow). Symptoms include restlessness, irritability, forgetfulness, laughter, and excessive sleeping, distrust of anyone they are with, and an urge to go outside even in the (less miserable) rain, snow or dark....