Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pick Two

When it comes to dating, what are you looking for?
When it comes to relationships, what do you choose?

What is more important to you; emotional stability, good looks and/or intelligence ?
Being that society no longer believes in monogamy the reason that people cheat is because they feel like the person who they are "with" does not have all of the major qualities that they want...

I want/need emotion stability and intelligence. Good looks come a dime a dozen...Its like ranking a guy for all his positive attributes and for me good looks would not even be on my list. I mean I have to somehow be attracted to you, but as I get older im attracted to different things. Im attracted to power, loyalty, intelligence, finances and personality. When I think of a MAN...I think of someone who walks with you and not ahead of you. figuratively and literally. I think of a man who genuinely cares about what you have to say. I think a MAN is a person who can express his feelings . I respect a MAN who can command positive attention with out speaking...